Course: Review of IL-13 in Atopic Dermatitis Pathogenesis and the Biologics that Target This Cytokine
Atopic Dermatitis Pathogenesis and the Biologics that Target This Cytokine
Raja Sivamani, MD MS AP +1
Supported by LEO Pharma

This lecture will review the immunology and the inflammatory pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis, including the role of cytokine signaling and the JAK pathway. The clinical evidence, the evidence for tapering regimens, and the safety for the use of emerging therapies will be discussed.


Learning Objectives:

  • Diagram the role of IL-4, IL-13, and the JAK pathway in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis
  • Summarize the clinical evidence for the use of systemic therapies and the evidence for the use of tapering regimens
  • Describe and compare the safety issues related to the use of systemic therapies, especially among emerging IL-13 and JAK inhibitors



Supported by LEO Pharma Inc.


User: Raja Sivamani
Raja Sivamani

Dr. Raja Sivamani is a board-certified dermatologist and practices as an integrative dermatologist at Pacific Skin Institute. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology at the University of California, Davis and Director of Clinical Research and the Clinical Trials Unit.He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the California State University, Sacramento and an Associate Professor of Dermatology at California Northstate University, College of Medicine.He engages in clinical practice as well as both clinical and translational research that integrates bioengineering, nutrition, cosmetics, and skin biology. With training in both Allopathic and Ayurvedic medicine, he takes an integrative approach to his patients and in his research.He has published over 100 peer-reviewed research manuscripts, 10 textbook chapters, and a textbook entitled Cosmeceuticals and Active Cosmetics, 3rd Edition with a passion for expanding the evidence and boundaries of integrative medicine for skin care.

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User: Tina Bhutani-Jacques
Tina Bhutani-Jacques

Dr. Tina Bhutani is a board certified dermatologist who focuses on treating chronic inflammatory skin diseases including psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. She co-directs the UCSF Psoriasis and Skin Treatment Center, where she specializes in caring for patients with complex cases often requiring multiple treatment modalities including topical medications, phototherapy, systemic agents, and biologics. Dr. Bhutani believes in a well-rounded approach to care that includes considering each patient's overall wellness and mental health in addition to treating their skin disease. She believes that treating mind, body, and skin increases the probability of a successful outcome and helps patients cope with having a chronic disease.

Dr. Bhutani's research focuses on improving quality of life for patients with chronic inflammatory diseases. She seeks to further describe the mind-skin connection in order to learn how to disrupt the cycle of disease flare-up, mental stress, and worsening disease.

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